Seacole Cornwallis Ltd are following the latest guidance from the UK Government and World Health Organisation to ensure the continued safety of our care workers and service users.

We would like to reassure our service users that all our care staff are closely following the latest government guidelines surrounding the COVID-19 to ensure you continue to receive the same levels of safe care. We are frequently reviewing our Business Continuity Plans to ensure continuity of service amid the outbreak.

How are we ensuring the hygiene of our staff?

We have introduced new stringent processes to ensure the safety of our staff and customers, and these are being reviewed on a daily basis in accordance with official government advice.

In addition to general hygiene processes, we are ensuring our staff are:

  • Wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) where applicable.
  • Being tested when and where possible.
  • Washing hands often with soap and water (or using alcohol sanitiser that contains at least 60% alcohol) – this is particularly important after taking public transport.
  • Covering coughs or sneezes with a tissue, then disposing the tissue in a bin.
  • Social distancing where appropriate.
  • Employees must wash their hands:
  1. before leaving home
  2. on arrival at the workplace
  3. after using the toilet
  4. after breaks
  5. before food preparation
  6. before eating any food, including snacks
  7. before leaving the workplace
  8. on arrival at home
  9. before and after any care activity with service users
  • Avoiding touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently-touched objects and surfaces

If a member of our staff tests positive for COVID-19 we will contact all customers and staff the affected person has been in contact with for at least the preceding 14 days and report this to the 111 Coronavirus helpline.


What if my carer(s) become ill and can no longer visit?

All our staff here at Seacole Cornwallis Ltd follow strict infection, prevention and control guidelines. We have business contingency plans in place in the event of severe lack of staff. If necessary, agency staff and appropriate volunteers will be utilised. Off-duty staff may also be asked to provide care at short notice if they are available.

Employment protection regulations may be subject to change at short notice, relating to the number of hours worked within a specified period and breaks between periods of working. People who are reliant on our care service will be prioritised before people who have family who can support them in the interim.

If I need to self isolate, how will I buy essential supplies or collect medication?

In the first instance we would recommend you ask a family member or friend (who is not in isolation) to deliver them to your home or shop for groceries online. We also run a volunteering service called Abbots Friends which is made up of volunteers who are here to help support you in the event you need to isolate over the coming weeks. Should you have any concerns about accessing essential supplies or medication, or would like to discuss how our volunteers can help you, please call 0330 094 5511.

Check out our Covid-19 FAQ’s page for more information.

Helpful guide to help children understand the virus –

Child Friendly Explanation of Coronavirus

Looking after your mental health and well-being during the Coronavirus outbreak –

Useful links:

Department of Health & Social Care – COVID-19 updates – Action Plan

World Health Organisation (WHO) updates


Advice for the public-

As with any pandemic, things can change quickly and unpredictably. To ensure you have the latest information regarding COVID-19 we will make regular updates as and when necessary in accordance with government and WHO updates.